Our Story

Parsonson Architects was established in Wellington by the current director, Gerald Parsonson.

Gerald started the practice after working at Craig Craig Moller Architects and a period travelling overseas with sketchbook in hand. The direction was driven by an excitement and passion to create an architecture that responded to our uniquely New Zealand context. Since then the practice has evolved into a multi award winning studio that consistently demonstrates the ability to achieve projects of high levels of design and functional excellence.

Gerald has been joined by senior staff Craig Burt (B. Arch, ANZIA, Registered Architect), Sam Donald (B. Arch, ANZIA, Registered Architect) and Andreas Cherry (B.Arch, B. BSc, LBP) who have between them over 60 years industry experience and they have added unique and wide-ranging skill sets to the practice. Craig is now a practice director along with Gerald and Andreas and Sam are Senior Associates. Over the years the team has been joined by architects and architectural graduates bringing a range of fresh ideas and with a deep passion for architecture. 

The practice was initially focused on individual houses and more recently projects have included multi-unit residential, community, commercial, hospitality, education and competition entries across a variety of building typologies and project scales.

We enjoy working on a mix of project scales as each has different challenges and offers varied opportunities to explore unique and creative responses.


Collaboration is fundamental to the way we work. The studio fosters a willingness to collaborate with a range of designers, from other architects and landscape architects to specialist consultants and stakeholders. We have recently been involved in community-led participatory design processes that proactively seek opportunities for collaborative design to increase individuals sense of agency while also increasing awareness of the design process and building a sense of community from the outset.


We approach every project through fresh eyes. Every site, location, client and set of circumstances creates a unique set of relationships and readings. We work very hard to identify and understand these, where they can form a seed for the design to spring from. Gerald in particular is interested in the similarities between the creative processes of art, music, literature and architecture. Once a ‘project concept’ is created it forms a structure that guides decision making and is a way of achieving creative consistency through a finished building.


We believe in sustainability being one of the cornerstones of design, which we look to explore from the urban scale right down to the smallest detail. We have designed and built several ‘Passive House’ projects and have a Certified Passive House Designer within our practice.

We believe in comprehensive design solutions that recognize and respond to global concerns regarding climate change, our limited natural resources, environmental pollution, health, and biodiversity. The process of building by its very nature consumes large amounts of resources and generates large amounts of waste. With elegant design, creative thinking and careful construction, buildings can be made to consume less and last longer. A building that functions well, delights the mind, and pleases the eye will remain farther from the wrecking ball. In addition, the integration of sustainable technologies like planted green roofs, solar power, water collection, recycled materials, above-code insulation and air tightness, heat recovery ventilaionand passive solar design don’t need to look or feel like an experiment. Thoughtful incorporation of these elements and principles early in the design process can produce buildings that are rich, appealing and most importantly, responsible.

Our ethos

We work in a collaborative and creative studio environment, where we enjoy searching for and unlocking the unique potentials in each new project. We look to explore a ‘design story’ that is often multi-layered and poetic, forming a guiding structure or spine for the creative evolution of a project. 

We are architects who are passionate about both the natural and the built environments, from the city scale down to the crafting of individual details. We are drawn towards an architecture of excellence and have developed different approaches for achieving this across all budget levels. The creation of a high quality architecture is an exciting and joyful process that springs from the seed of optimism. We are particularly interested in community based projects and how they benefit the city. We have recently linked in with others and set up our own Wellington based co-housing group.

"It’s all about art as far as I’m concerned. It seems to me that when you’ve finished with all the functional tasks – the practicalities in which you can have a fine time – to touch people with a building is what it’s about."   David Mitchell. 2005

“We shape our buildings. Thereafter, they shape us.”   Sir Winston Churchill.



Parsonson Architects is recognised as consistently delivering work of excellence, represented by the major awards and regular features in both local and international architecture and design publications.  Gerald Parsonson has been invited to be an awards juror and has twice been a convenor of the NZIA National Awards Jury.

The practice has accumulated significant knowledge of architectural design, project delivery and construction. We have an enthusiastic and passionate team and have developed processes that ensure the journey is enjoyable and fruitful.

We have a broad range of experience across our different staff members, with experience in:

-       Architectural design and documentation;

-       Technical and construction methodologies;

-       Cost estimation and management;

-       Sustainability and Certified Passive House design;

-       Multi-unit and Co-Housing;

-       Community projects;

-       Hospitality;

-       Homes and holiday houses.

Senior staff are involved with oversight in all projects.


Parsonson Architects has consistently demonstrated the ability to explore and deliver finely tuned and carefully crafted architecture over different project types and all budget levels. We enjoy exploring the beauty of detail and the way materials go together at all scales.

Cost management

After many years of delivering architecture to defined project budgets, we have developed multi staged cost management strategies that have enabled us to guide clients confidently through their project budgeting. Good cost advice at the early stages is essential and allows us to create great architectural outcomes regardless of whether the budget is generous or tight. 


Parsonson Architects have set up a growing Co-Housing group in Wellington and are actively seeking to support others in this area also. We are proponents of the Australian ‘Nightingale Model’ and believe that Co-Housing provides an option to create housing developments that have more of a sense of sustainable and community based living as an alternative to the standard suburban sprawl model.

Passive House

We have designed and built several houses to the ‘Passive House’ standard. Recently Nicolas Zilliox has joined the practice, who is a ‘Certified Passive House Designer’.

A Passive house has high levels of insulation within an airtight external envelope, combined with a heat recovery ventilation system, resulting in a constant temperature of 20 degrees Celcius all year round, regardless of climate and a constant supply of fresh/filtered air. 

It starts by defining an unbroken thermal envelope, where there are three functional layers: an air-tightness layer on the inside of the insulation, the insulation layer, and lastly a wind­ and weather tightness layer.

Passive House projects are not dependent on solar gains to achieve thermal comfort and energy efficiency, but they still benefit from a careful consideration of the impact of sun paths and shading. In addition to excellent thermal comfort and ventilation, a Passive House is also very quiet; you could live beside a motorway and not hear the traffic outside. 


2024 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Architecture Award, Housing, The Lookout
2024 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Colour Award, The Lookout
2024 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Sar Street House
2024 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Riversdale Beach House
2024 NZIA Wellington Architecture Colour Award, Riversdale Beach House
2023 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Alterations and Additions, Sar Street Alteration
2023 NZIA Waikato and Bay of Plenty Architecture Award, G House
2023 NZIA Waikato and Bay of Plenty Colour Award, G House
2022 NZIA NZ Architecture Award, Education, Footsteps Preschool
2022 NZIA Western Architecture Award, Education, Footsteps Preschool
2022 NZIA Resene Western Colour Award, Education, Footsteps Preschool
2022 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Hinau St House + Apartment
2022 NZIA Resene Wellington Colour Award, Hinau St House + Apartment
2022 NZIA Gisborne Hawke’s Bay Architecture Award, Housing, Tukituki House
2022 NZIA Resene Gisborne Hawke’s Bay Colour Award, Housing, Tukituki House
2021 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Garden House
2021 NZIA Resene Wellington Colour Award, Long House
2021 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Long House
2020 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Small Projects, Herald Street Studio
2020 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing - Vera House
2020 NZIA Southern Architecture Award, Lakeview House
2020 NZIA Resene Colour Award, Residential Exterior Winner, Lakeview House
2019 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Multi-Unit, Salmont Place Apartments
2018 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing - Korokoro Bush House
2018 NZIA Wellington Colour Award, Korokoro Bush House
2018 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Te Horo Bach
2018 NZIA Wellington Colour Award, Te Horo Bach
2017 NZIA Gisborne Hawke’s Bay Architecture Award, Housing, Mangakuri Bach
2017 NZIA Gisborne Hawke’s Bay Colour Award, Mangakuri Bach
2017 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Architecture Award, Housing, Ruby Bay House
2017 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Colour Award, Ruby Bay House
2017 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Glenbervie Alteration
2016 NZIA Sir Ian Athfield Award, Housing, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2016 NZIA NZ Architecture Award, Multi-Unit, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2016 NZIA NZ Architecture Award, Interior Architecture, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2016 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Alterations and Additions, Field Way Bach, Waikanae
2016 NZIA Wellington Colour Award, Field Way Bach, Waikanae
2016 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Multi-Unit, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2016 Home of the Year, Best Multi-Unit Project, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2015 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Hospitality & Retail, Loretta Cafe & Restaurant
2015 Wellington Civic Trust Award, Zavos Corner Apartments, Wellington
2015 Interior Awards, Hospitality Winner, Loretta Cafe & Restaurant, Wellington
2015 Eat, Drink, Design Awards Australasia, Best Restaurant Shortlist, Loretta, Wellington
2014 Urbis Best Restaurant Interior, Loretta Cafe & Restaurant, Wellington
2013 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Seatoun Heights House
2013 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Lowry Bay House, Lower Hutt
2013 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Sea View House
2012 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Architecture Award, Housing, Wairau Valley House House
2012 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Tutere St Beach House, Waikanae
2010 NZIA Gisborne Hawke’s Bay Architecture Award, Housing, Shoal Bay Bach
2010 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Small Project, Peka Peka Beach House
2010 NZIA Colour Award, Peka Peka Beach House
2010 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Seatoun House, Wellington
2010 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Housing, Greytown House, Wairarapa
2010 NZIA Nelson-Marlborough Architecture Award, Housing, Apple Bay House
2009 Home of the Year Award Finalist, Shoal Bay Bach
2008 NZIA NZ Architecture Award, Housing, Salamanca House, Wellington
2007 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Raumati House
2007 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Salamanca House, Wellington
2007 NZIA Colour Award, Raumati House
2006 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Commercial & Industrial, Icebreaker Touch-Lab, Wellington
2006 Best Awards, Category Winner, Icebreaker Touch-Lab, Wellington
2006 NZIA NZ Award for Architecture, Residential, Martinborough House
2005 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Martinborough House
2005 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Coastal House, Wellington
2005 Property Council of New Zealand Award, Merit, Mitika Apartments, Wellington
2005 NZIA NZ Award for Architecture, Residential, Southward House, Wellington
2005 NZIA NZ Award for Architecture, Multiple Housing, Mitika Apartments, Wellington
2005 NZIA NZ Award for Architecture, Residential, Paetawa House, Peka Peka
2004 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Southward House, Wellington
2004 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Glensor-Hutchins House, Waikanae
2004 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Multiple Housing, Mitika Apartments, Wellington
2004 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Paetawa House, Peka Peka
2004 NZIA Colour Award, Paetawa House, Peka Peka
2004 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Glass Awards Finalist, Peka Peka House
2004 Home of the Year Finalist, Paetawa House, Peka Peka
2003 NZIA Supreme Award for Architecture, Northland House, Wellington
2003 NZIA Regional Award for Architecture, Northland House, Wellington
2002 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Townsend House, Wellington
2002 NZIA Colour Award, Townsend House, Wellington
2002 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Residential, Northland House, Wellington
2002 NZIA Supreme Architecture Award, Manly St Beach House, Paraparaumu
2001 NZIA Regional Architecture Award, Manly St Beach House, Paraparaumu
2001 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Manly St Beach House, Paraparaumu
2001 NZIA Colour Award, Manly St Beach House, Paraparaumu
2001 Home of the Year Award, Manly St Beach House, Paraparaumu
2000 NZIA National Architecture Award, Eastbourne House, Lower Hutt
2000 NZIA Colour Award, Eastbourne House, Lower Hutt
2000 NZIA Central Region Architecture Award, Eastbourne House, Lower Hutt
1999 NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, Residential, Eastbourne House, Lower Hutt
1996 NZIA Regional Award for Architecture, Hataitai House, Wellington
1996 NZIA Colour Award, Hataitai House, Wellington
1995 NZIA National Award for Architecture, Upland Road House, Wellington
1994 NZIA Regional Award for Architecture, Upland Road House, Wellington
1994 NZIA Local Award for Architecture, Upland Road House, Wellington

Gerald Parsonson:

2018 Lifetime Achievement Award, Resene Total Colour Awards
2017 Wellington Sculpture Trust: Arts Advisor
2010 NZIA NZ awards: Convenor
2009 NZIA NZ awards: Convenor
2008 HOME Magazine Home of the Year: Judge
2007 NZIA NZ awards (Southern Region): Judge
2005 Cavalier Bremworth Awards: Judge
2004 NZIA Supreme awards: Judge
2004 NZIA Regional awards (Central Region): Convenor
2002 NZIA Local awards (Wellington): Judge
1999 NZIA Local awards (Wellington): Judge
